Do you take good consideration on your coffee valve Part II

20 Oct 2019

In this blog, we will continue on the news left from Part I, and more about farmer`s life alongside with information on championship will be provided.

1. Specialty Coffee Association Names Six Board of Directors Candidates

In Sept 3rd, The Specialty Coffee Association announced a slate of six candidates to potentially fill the six open spots on the group’s 18-member board of directors. Barring additional candidates via petition, all six coffee professionals will become volunteer board members, occupying two-year terms beginning January 1, 2020.

Some farmer`s life

2. Mekong Coffee Growers Struggle with Drought and a Warming Climate

These global effects are actually affecting the quality of coffee beans in Vietnam. Farmer said ‘The fruits look ripe outside, but the bean is crispy and small because there was not enough rain’, and 95% of the country`s coffee is produced in this area. People are worried about the continuous effect on the local economy. At the same time, the drought issue is also having impact on the resident who live relying on the Mekong.

It also indicated that coffee growing is in fact worsen the problem of water scarcity. The problem is that the plantation is increasing year by year while the issue of water scarcity do not come to a solution. Therefore, local farmers choose to dig the well deeper and deeper. The problem comes the same for the upriver, Yunnan Province in China, where the Mekong is named as Lancang. The situation is that coffee trees are died from drought and they didn’t blossom fully as well as that the fruit didn’t grow.

3. China and Vietnam Need Sustainable Coffee Farming

While facing those issues, some solutions needs to be produced imminently. In Yunnan, it is planning to make the coffee greener since the low-quality coffee will not make more value and give better reputation for the coffee bean there. At the same time, it is important to maintain the environment in a more sustainable way.

In Vietnam, Rainforest Alliance`s office has developed an app to help coffee famers access information and solutions. It also built the World Coffee Museum as tourist attraction and make tourist know more about the coffee development in the local.

4. Ethiopia and the European Union Launch $16.5 Million Coffee Project

It is a five-year program designed to boost the Ethiopian coffee sector as there are some difficulties for locals to main a sustainable coffee sector within maximum value. Although the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) was created in 2008, lack of traceability through This program focused on Ethiopia`s ECX didn’t meet consumers` demand on traceable or certified coffees. The project is primarily relating to growing regions within Oromia, Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples (SSNPR), and Amhara. It aims to create job opportunities and enhance system resilience, stated by EU.

Some championships

5. 2019 US Aeropress Championship

Last month, Towa Ikawa of Honolulu, Hawaii-based Kona Coffee Purveyors has award as the 2019 United States Aeropress Champion in a competitive brewing event. The brewer-making company also gained much more sales of its Aeropress Go travel brewing kit and has expanded the its product range including cold brewing kits.

On Sept. 21, Ikawa had been honoured to the UK to represent the US in the 2019 World Aeropress Championship, who had beat 14 other participants from all over the US. the World Aeropress Championship is scheduled to hold in London on Nov. 24.

About the Aeropress cold brew, it is different now because the company uses technology to allow it brews with cold or room-temp water, instead of hot elements involved. With the prove from Aeropress inventor Alan Adler, the company promoted the new Aeropress cold brew kit to the market. Currently, users are able to make their cold brew coffee with Aeropress by adding cold or room-temp water. Therefore, the method is to stir the slurry for a full minute prior to pressing, as opposed to the 10-second recommended stir for hot brew.

Do you take good consideration on your coffee valve Part II

(The Aeropress Go)

6. The fifth annual Golden Bean North America coffee roasting competition and conference were successfully held

-Roughly 1300 coffees from the U.S. and Canada were submitted

-Categories when judged included espresso, latte, drip and the new category of espresso-by-superautomatic

-Crimson Cup Coffee was the top winner across all brewing categories among small franchise entrants

-Canterbury Coffee took top honors from among large franchises

-Bonlife Coffee Roasters as the overall winner of the Golden Bean

-Gave new roasters access to competition

7. SCA Reveals Dates and Locations for 2020 US Coffee Championships

The U.S. Barista Championship and U.S. Brewers Cup will take place Feb. 21-23 in Orange County, California.

8. First Look at the 2020 Micro Roaster of the Year Finalists

The Roaster of the Year awards recognize companies that roast coffees of superior quality, exemplify a dedication to sustainability, promote employee and community education, and demonstrate a strong commitment to the coffee industry, among other criteria. In Oct. 17, winners for each category had been announced in the Micro Roaster category.

-Greater Goods Coffee Roasters

-Mostra coffee

-Spyhouse Coffee Roasters

9. Cup of Excellence Coming to Ethiopia in 2020 (CoE)

Over the last 19 years, The Cup of Excellence (CoE) program has raised more than $60m in auction revenue for independent farmers, mostly smallholders. The Ethiopia CoE is made possible through collaboration between ACE, the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority and USAID’s Feed the Future Ethiopia Value Chain Activity.

It contributed to build more robust and sustainable agricultural systems for smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. Described by Lan Chesterman, project director for Future Ethiopia Value Chain Activity, the coffee unions across the country has been improved towards a positive way.

Thank you for your company on these two news collections, and I hope you enjoy gathering this kind of information in our blog. Have you started to share your joy of love on coffee with your friends and family today?

Tag: coffee valve

Originally published 20 Oct 2019, updated 20 Oct 2019.


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